Working with voucher numbers

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The voucher number series and voucher types are two of the main foundations within the system. Each number series is connected to one or several voucher types. The numbering can either be automatically or manually entered and as strictly or loosely defined as you choose.

The system enables you to create a unique number series. This provides you with an audit trail, which allows greater control of your transactions.

The system verifies that the correct numbering is entered, meaning that the number is unique within the accounting year and within the valid range defined for the voucher number series.

When you set up the voucher numbers series you can choose among three methods for numbering the vouchers. These are:

  1. The numbering is automatically handled by the system.
  2. The system automatically proposes the next free number within the valid range, but can be manually changed.
  3. You manually enter the numbers, but the system controls that they are within the valid range for the voucher number series.
  4. You define a number series for each accounting year, and also for at least two accounting years at a time. By using a copy function the update of several years is very easy to create.

    The system can provide you with a control list of all the voucher number series. The list displays, for example, if there are any gaps in the number series, as well as which number was last used.

    See About document number series vs. voucher number series to read more about the relation between the document number series for invoice numbering in Distribution and the voucher number series in Financials.

Enquiries and printouts

  • G/L transaction enquiry – displays all updated postings in the General Ledger. In this enquiry program you have the option to select postings on voucher number level.
  • G/L transaction list – displays all updated postings in the General Ledger. When you order this list you have the option to sequence the postings in voucher number order.
  • G/L transaction log list – displays all the transactions on detailed level. The log file does not reflect any transaction summations. This list can be selected on voucher number series.
  • G/L voucher number list – displays all the used voucher numbers and missing voucher numbers, depending on your selection. See Trace voucher numbers for more information.

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