The following describes how to set up a summary level for the main account part and the second account part. This summary level will enable you to make enquiries on all main accounts in combination with all accounts for your second part.
You must have System Administrator authority to define and reorganise a summary level.
Tip: Activate the LOGSLVL function in the Function control file for your company to turn on the logging of used summary levels. You can then keep track of the log records via the Work with used summary levels menu item. This program allows you to reduce the number of unused summary levels and thereby increase the system’s performance in various functions.
- Select the Work with summary levels menu item.
- You access the main panel with all the existing summary levels. Click Add to create a new summary level.
- You access the detail panel. Enter the following information:
- Level
- Enter a code for the summary level. This code is used internally in the system and is only referred to if you would like to change the summary level. Valid codes are 001 to 999.
- Description
- Enter a description for the summary level. Tip: Enter the key fields as description.
- You access Work with summary levels, Select key numbers where you define the keys you want to use in this summary level. Select the “map to” number to which you want to map a statistic key (i.e., account part, summary identity). For use in the Balance/budget enquiry you need an exact match, but Report Writer only needs an optimum match. Note: You can mark several at the same time. Click OK to continue.
- You access Work with summary levels, Selectable keys with all the keys that are active. Select the statistic key you want to use for this “mapped to” number. Click OK to continue.
- You return to Work with summary levels, Select key numbers. Click OK to update this summary level when all statistic keys are selected. Continue as follows:
- Select the Reorganise summary levels menu item.
- You access Reorganise summary levels – selection with all the existing summary levels. Note: The summary level you just created has status “Pending creation”. This means that it has not yet been created for use in the Balance/budget enquiry. Select the summary level you want to create (reorganise).
- You access Reorganise summary levels – selection with the selected summary levels. Enter the following information:
- Start reorganise at
- Enter the time when this job should start. Blank means immediately.
Click OK.
Click OK to submit the job. Caution: When this job is running, no other jobs that are updating or retrieving information on balances/budgets can be run. To prevent this from happening, always run this job when no other user is signed on. Exit the routine.