Working with the chart of accounts

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It is through the chart of accounts (the Account file) that you will define the coding structure you want to use in your organisation.

Financials enables you to create a multi-dimensional account file that gives you the flexibility of entering your transactions on several levels. You are able to choose from either a common account structure for all your companies or adopt different account structures, one for each company.

All of the panels and reports will adopt the coding layout of the company you sign on to. The maximum size of your account code will have up to 30 alphanumeric characters. Your account string can have up to 8 parts or dimensions. None of your single dimensions should be larger than 20 characters. You will have total flexibility within the system’s definitions.

If you would like additional analysis that would allow you to group the accounting information in many different ways, you can do this by using summary id’s. While adding a new account you can work with/display all summary id parts linked to this selected account part. If only one summary id part is connected to the selected account part the detailed panel for that summary id will appear. Otherwise, a panel appears with a selection of summary id parts.

Tip: By using summary id’s you will also speed up your reporting from Report Writer.

Enquiries and printouts

  • Chart of accounts enquiry
  • Account list printout

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