Manually add a discount to a sales order line

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You can manually add discounts to any order line. This can be done individually when entering the line information or via the Work with discounts program.

When entering line information:

  1. Directly on the Order lines panel, enter the following:
  2. Disc ID
    Enter the code denoting the reason for giving the manual line discount.
    Disc amount
    If you want to give the discount in the form of an amount, enter the amount.
    Disc %
    If you want to give the discount in the form of a percentage, enter the percentage.

Via the Order line, Discounts panel:
To access the program via Order line entry, do as follows:

  1. Select the Work with sales orders menu item and drill down to Order line level.
  2. To access the Work with discounts panel you have two choices:
    • Highlight the line and click the Discounts option.
    • Access the line in edit mode, click the Fnc list function key and select Discounts.
  3. On the Work with sales orders, Line, discounts panel click Add and complete the following fields:
  4. Discount ID
    Enter a discount ID to denote the reason for giving the manual line discount.

    Complete one of the following fields:

    Discount percentage
    Enter the discount percentage you want to offer the customer.
    Discount amount
    Enter the discount amount you want to offer the customer.

    Click OK to update and return to the previous panel and then Back to return to the Order lines panel.

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