Maintain the delivery sequence on a shipment address

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The following describes how to add or change the delivery sequence on a shipment address to specify the correct print sequence on the loading list and on the route delivery list.

Being able to maintain the delivery sequence is useful especially if you are working with a manually created shipment in which case delivery sequence numbers are not automatically assigned to the included addresses.

Add a delivery sequence

If you use the Add orders function, then you access a panel where you can enter one new order and, based on the entered sequence, the new sales order you specify on this panel will be assigned the corresponding delivery sequence.

  1. Select the Work with outbound shipments menu item.
  2. On the header panel, select the applicable shipment and click Addresses.
  3. You access the Delivery addresses panel. This panel shows the delivery addresses included in the shipment. Select the applicable customer address and click Change.
  4. On the detail panel, enter the correct delivery sequence and click OK.
  5. You return to the previous panel. The entered sequence is now retrieved to the column.
  6. Tip: If you want to change the sequential order of several addresses, then you can select them all and then click Change. They will be accessed one by one when you click OK. Click Re-sequence to re-number all changed addresses in intervals of 10.

    Exit the routine.

    Change an already assigned delivery sequence

    You have the following options:

    • Click Addresses on Work with outbound shipments, Headers and then click Change (as described in the section above).
    • Use the Delivery addresses function on the Work with outbound shipments, Assigned orders main panel. You access the Delivery addresses panel. Select the delivery sequence that you want to change and then click Change. Enter the correct sequence number and click OK.
    • For an outbound shipment that is connected to a route list, use the Retrieve delivery seq function on the Work with outbound shipments, Delivery addresses panel to automatically retrieve a value from the destination and the customers per destination information specified in the route plan.

    Exit the routine.

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