(Accounting) Return fictitious products from normal stock with cost type Standard cost

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The following describes the accounting transactions the system creates when you return fictitious products to your supplier and the cost price is Standard cost. Fictitious products are those where the Fictitious product field is set to YES in the Item file.


Returned quantity 125
Purchase price 15.00
Standard cost in Item file 50.00

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
903 “Stock value” fictitious product   6250.00
Standard cost * Quantity

50.00 * 125 = 6250.00

This transaction decreases the “Stock value”. Note: Normally you should not account transaction type 903 on the same account as transaction type 901/902 in Financials. Since the stock value in Distribution is not updated for fictitious products you will never be able to reconcile the stock account in Financials with the stock valuation list in Distribution, if you account these three transaction types on the same account in Financials.

931 Return to supplier 1875.00  
Purchase price * Quantity

15.00 * 125 = 1875.00

This transaction is the return value. Tip: This transaction type can, for example, be accounted on the same account in Financials as the 930 transaction type. The amount on this Purchase account will then be the net purchase value.

945 Gain/loss returned goods 4375.00  
Stock value – Return value

6250.00 – 1875.00 = 4375.00

This transaction accounts the difference between the “stock value” and the return value. This may be regarded as a gain/oss for the returned goods. In this example it is a loss.

Transaction type 945 can, for example, be accounted as the transaction type 813. The transaction type 813 is used for price differences in the Invoice matching routine in Financials. For more information see Overview of accounting transactions during supplier invoice matching.

If no Standard cost exists in the Item file, the following transactions will be created.

Transaction type Description Amount
903 “Stock value” fictitious products 0.00  
931 Return to supplier 1875.00  
945 Gain/loss returned goods   1875.00

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