(Accounting) Return goods from the non-conforming stock

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The following describes the accounting transactions the system creates when you return goods from the non-conforming stock to your supplier.


Quantity on non-conforming stock 5
Returned quantity 5
Purchase price 40.00
Cost on non-conforming stock 35.00

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
941 Non-conforming stock value   175.00
Cost price in Non-conformity certificate file * Quantity

35.00 * 5 = 175.00

This transaction decreases the non-conforming stock value, using the cost price in the Non-conformity certificate.

931 Return to supplier 200.00  
Purchase price * Quantity

40.00 * 5 = 200.00

This transaction is the return value which normally is accounted on a purchase account in Financials.

948 Gain/loss returned goods non-conf. stock   25.00
Stock value – Return value

175.00 – 200 = -25.00

This transaction accounts the difference between the cost value in the Non-conformity certificate file and the purchase value. This amount can, for example, be accounted on the same account as the non-conformity stock value in Financials.

Note: If you account the transaction type 948 on the same account as the 941 transaction type, you can never reconcile the Non-conforming stock valuation list in Distribution, with the amount of this non-conforming stock account in Financials. In this example, the non-conforming stock valuation list would show 0 pieces (nothing left in stock), i.e. amount 0.00. The account in Financials would show the amount -25.00.

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