(Accounting) Change the standard cost in normal stock with cost per warehouse not active

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The following describes the accounting transactions the system creates when you change the Standard cost field in the Item file and the cost type is Standard cost and Cost per warehouse is not active.


Quantity in normal stock warehouse CEN 90
Quantity in normal stock warehouse STO 20
Quantity in transfer from warehouse CEN 10
Current standard cost 16.75
New standard cost 17.35

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
901 Stock value 54.00  
(New standard cost – Current standard cost) * Quantity in normal stock

(17.35 – 16.75) * 90 = 54.00

This transaction increases the stock value for the stock on hand in warehouse CEN.

909 Standard cost change   54.00 This is the cost for the stock value change for warehouse CEN. This could be accounted on a cost account in Financials.
901 Stock value 12.00  
(New standard cost – Current standard cost) * Quantity in normal stock

(17.35 – 16.75) * 20 = 12.00

This transaction increases the stock value for the stock on hand in warehouse STO.

909 Standard cost change   12.00 This is the cost for the stock value change for warehouse STO. This could be accounted on a cost account in Financials.
907 Goods in transfer/stock supply 6.00  
(New standard cost – Current standard cost) * Quantity in transfer

(17.35 – 16.75) * 10 = 6.00

This transaction increases the stock value for the goods in transfer from warehouse CEN. Goods in transfer are items entered on an Internal Replenishment Order (IRO) where the Internal Sales order has been confirmed in the delivering warehouse (delivered), but the Internal Purchase order has not yet been received in the receiving warehouse. Note: This transaction is not created if no goods are in transfer when the average cost is changed.

909 Standard cost change   6.00 This is the cost for the stock value change for the goods in transfer. This could be accounted on a cost account in Financials. Note: This transaction is not created if no goods are in transfer when the average cost is changed.

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