Manual change of average cost

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The transactions described are created when you change the value in the Average cost and Average transit cost fields on the Inventory information (DMR00302) panel in the Item file.

Note: If Cost per warehouse is active this applies to the Average cost and Average transit cost fields on the Item file maintenance, Warehouses (DMR00703) panel.

Note: If the Sep cost handling field is set to NO in the DIS control file, the Average transit cost field is not displayed in the Item file or Item/warehouse file. The system will then use the Average cost for transit stock as well.

Where created
The transactions are created in the DMR003 program.

Transaction type Description Debit/Credit Additional info
901 Stock value D/C  
902 Stock value transit stock D/C If you change the average transit cost and you use separate cost handling for transit stock.
907 Goods in transfer/stock supply D/C If goods on an Internal Replenishment Order (IRO) are in transfer between warehouses.
910 Manual average cost change D/C Contra account to 901/907.
911 Manual average cost change transit D/C Contra account to 902.


An average cost change for an item is accounted if the following stipulations are met:

  • The cost type is Average purchase cost
  • The Average cost/Average transit cost field in the Item file is manually changed
  • If Cost per warehouse is active the Average cost/Average transit cost field in the Item/warehouse file is manually changed
  • There are goods in stock/transit stock/delivered not invoiced/goods in transfer of this item

If such is the case, the stock value for this item (901/902/907) is changed and the amount is accounted on the accounts for manual average cost change (910) or manual average cost change transit (911). This amount should normally be regarded as a gain/loss, which affects the results. Stock value changes are accounted for each warehouse.

Transit stock
If the Sep cost handling field is set to YES in DIS control file and the Average cost is changed, transaction type 916 is created instead of 910/911 if there are goods in the transit stock.

Delivered not invoiced
Goods delivered not invoiced are items that are confirmed on a sales order pick list but have not yet been invoiced.

Goods in transfer
Goods in transfer are items entered on an Internal Replenishment Order (IRO) where the Internal Sales order has been confirmed in the delivering warehouse (dispatched), but the Internal Purchase order has not yet been received in the receiving warehouse.

Note: No accounting transactions are created when you change the average cost for fictitious items.

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