(Accounting) Reallocate the cost of FOC items between base and dependent FOC lines

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The following describes the accounting transactions the system creates when you invoice FOC items that are connected to base lines and dependent lines. During invoicing, the dependent FOC item line affects its base line in terms of costing. There can be different scenarios, depending on when the base line for FOC and the dependent FOC item line are invoiced:

  • Base line and dependent FOC item line are invoiced at the same time.
  • Base line is invoiced first and the dependent FOC item line is backlogged. In the next step, the dependent FOC item line is invoiced.
  • Dependent FOC item line is invoiced first and the Base line is backlogged. In the next step, the Base line is invoiced.

Scenario 1: Base line and dependent FOC line are invoiced at same time

In this example, one order line for Item A with quantity of five units creates a second dependent FOC item line with a quantity of two units.


Quantity 5
Sales price 800.00 GBP
Cost price 25.00 GBP
FOC quantity 2
FOC sales price 0 (FOC)
FOC cost price 25.00 GBP

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
Base line (i.e. Base item)
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   4000.00
Sales price * Quantity

800.00 * 5 = 4000.00

800 Cost for goods sold 125.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

901 Stock value   125.00
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

Dependent FOC item line
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   0.00  
808 COGS, FOC as discount 50.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

901 Stock value   50.00
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

808 COGS, FOC as discount   50.00
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

817 COGS, Reallocated 50.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

Account part keys from the base line are used. This same cost is reallocated to the base item.

A/R To be accounted on Account Receivable 4000.00    

Scenario 2: First, base line is invoiced and dependent FOC line is backlogged. Second, dependent FOC line is invoiced

Example: In this example, one order line for Item A with quantity of five units creates a second dependent FOC item line with a quantity of two units.

The following prerequisites apply:

Quantity 5
Sales price 800.00 GBP
Cost price 25.00 GBP
FOC quantity 2
FOC sales price 0 (FOC)
FOC cost price 25.00 GBP

Step 1: Invoice of Base line

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
Base line (i.e. Base item)
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   4000.00
Sales price * Quantity

800.00 * 5 = 4000.00

800 Cost for goods sold 125.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

901 Stock value   125.00
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

A/R To be accounted on Accounts receivable 4000.00    

Step 2: Invoice of dependent FOC item line

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
Dependent FOC item line
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   0.00 FOC item
808 COGS, FOC as discount 50.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

901 Stock value   50.00  
808 COGS, FOC as discount   50.00  
817 COGS, Reallocated 50.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

Account part keys from the base line are used. This same cost is reallocated to the base item.

A/R To be accounted on Account Receivable 0.00    

Scenario 3: First, dependent FOC line is invoiced and base line is fully backlogged. Second, base line is invoiced

In this example, one order line for Item A with quantity of one unit creates a second dependent FOC item line with quantity of one unit.


Quantity 5
Sales price 800.00 GBP
Cost price 25.00 GBP
FOC quantity 2
FOC sales price 0 (FOC)
FOC cost price 25.00 GBP

Step 1: Invoice of dependent FOC item line

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
Dependent FOC item line
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   0.00  
808 COGS, FOC as discount 50.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 2 = 50.00

901 Stock value   50.00  
A/R To be accounted on Account Receivable 0.00    

Step 2: Invoice of Base line

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
Base line
840 Sales value Gross no VAT   4000.00
Sales price * Quantity

800.00 * 4 = 4000.00

800 Cost for goods sold 125.00  
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

901 Stock value   125.00
Cost price * Quantity

25.00 * 5 = 125.00

808 COGS, FOC as discount 100.00   Account part keys from dependent FOC line are used.
817 COGS, Reallocated 50.00    
A/R To be accounted on Account Receivable 4000.00    

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