A template allows you to customise the way in which you want to view data in the Balance enquiry. The template determines the behaviour of the Balance enquiry function, i.e. which columns you want displayed in the enquiry and the keys you want to open for input.
Note: The summary level (which is set up and generated on the iSeries) decides whether or not you will get a match (i.e. find any data). For the key combination you choose in your template, you need a corresponding summary level on the iSeries to be able to ensure finding any values when you actually run the enquiry for the template. You can create these summary levels either before or after you create the template. See Define a summary level for instructions.
Example of keys you choose and summary level needed:
- You want to analyse balances for a particular customer only – a summary level must be exist on customer
- You want to analyse balances for a particular item only – a summary level must exist on item
- You want to analyse balances for the key combination Customer/item – a summary level must exist for this key combination.
- You want to analyse the profit and loss for cost centres – a summary level must exist for main account and cost centre.
Template for this example:
For this example you will create a template, where the end result will allow you to view and analyse Customer balances. The template will include the following:
- Two columns: one for Net value and one for Quantity
- Key for input in your enquiry will be Customer
To create a new template, do as follows:
- Access the Balances menu item from the Business reporting sub-menu.
- You view the Selection required window where you select the template you want to use.
- You view the Balance details view window. Select Template/Manage from the menu bar.
- You view the Object manager – Balance enquiry templates window. Click New (alternatively select File/New from the menu bar) to create a new template.
- You view the Edit balance enquiry template window. Enter the following information:
- Code
- Enter the number for the template. This field is mandatory.
- Description
- Enter the user-defined description for the template. This field is mandatory.
- Columns
- In this section you decide the columns you want to display in the enquiry. You may create up to nine columns. All columns are disabled by default. See Creating your columns below for instructions.
- Keys
- To select the keys you wish to include (i.e. that you want to open up for input in the enquiry), double click a key in the Available list, alternatively select the key and click the >>> button. The key will move to the Chosen list. See Choosing the keys below.
- Net value, with the Value type being a Balance value for the current year, using the Balance type Sales net value.
- Quantity, with the Value type being a Balance value for the current year, using the Balance type Sales quantity.
- Select a Disabled column and click Edit column.
- You view the Balance column view window. Complete the following fields for the first column (i.e. Net value column)
- Description
- Enter the user-defined description (i.e. Net value).
- Value type
- Pull down the drop down list and select Balance value for this example.
- Year
- Leave the defaulted current year.
- Bdg
- If you want to analyse the balances based on a budget, pull down the list and select the applicable budget.
- Balance type
- Pull down the drop down list and select the applicable balance type. For this example, select Sales net value (under the Sales balances category).
- You return to the Edit balance enquiry template window, with the Net value column updated in the Columns box. Repeat sub-steps 1 and 2 to add the second column (i.e. Quantity) for this example. The result should be as follows:
Note: This window is only displayed the first time you access the Balance enquiry program. The system remembers the template you choose. This means that the next time you enter this enquiry, the last template you used will be the one defaulted.
If this is the first time you are accessing this enquiry, select an existing template and click OK.
Creating your columns:
As previously mentioned, you will create the following two columns:
To create each column and its settings do as follows:
Click OK.
To disable an existing column, select the column and choose Disable column.
Choosing the keys:
You are now ready to choose the keys for your template. For this example, choose Customer and add it to the Included list.
Save the template.
You return to the Object manager – Balance enquiry templates window. The new template is updated in the list.
Exit this window.
You are now ready to start analysing balance information for the created template. See Make a balance enquiry in Analyser for instructions.