Working with tables in Analyser

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In many areas of Analyser, you view a table within a window. Table entries are lists of files with their properties recorded in the table columns.

The following are standard features for all tables in Analyser. See the Related topics for links to the instructions.

  • Create a new view (arranging, deleting data in the columns/rows). You can then toggle the default and your new view.
  • Manipulate the column width and position as well as activate/inactivate and lock columns.
  • Convert the contents of a table to an HTML page and email the results.
  • Convert the contents of a table to a spreadsheet program.
  • View the contents of a table in graphical format (see About working with graphs in Analyser for instructions).
  • View the totals of one or several columns or selected records in one or several columns using the interactive Calculator.

Note: Most of these features are accessible from the menu bar of any window with a table. See Table commands below for these menu bar possibilities.

The following is provided in this document. Expand each section for more information.

Table actions

When working with table entries or file records, the following actions can be performed:

Action Do the following
Select one table entry Click the table entry.
Select several consecutive table entries Click the first entry and hold the mouse button whilst highlighting consecutive entries.
Select several table entries Hold Ctrl whilst you click the table entries one at a time.
De-select one or several table entries Hold Ctrl whilst you click the table entries one at a time.
Select a column Click the column heading
Select several columns Hold Ctrl whilst you click the column headings one at a time.
“Drag and Drop” table entries Select items you wish to move. Press the right mouse button. Hold the right mouse button whilst you move the pointer to the desired window and release.

Note: The mouse pointer is displayed as a + sign when you are allowed to drop items in the area.

Positioning in a column Select the column by clicking once on the column header. “Hit” the applicable key on the keyboard to position to the first record starting with that letter or number.

Table settings

You can work with table settings to alter the appearance of the table (see the relevant examples in this chapter) and you can view further details on all or certain entries. You can also work with table entries directly in the table.

You can store the text or values in table entries onto the system Clipboard or into system files as outlined below.

Normally when you perform actions in a table, as outlined in the Table commands section below, the actions apply to all column headings and table entries. However, when performing certain actions (like, e.g., printing information, generating html, displaying information as a graph) you can narrow down the selection of information to include by selecting the applicable columns and/or rows.

Table commands

The commands when working with tables are illustrated in the table below.

Note: All actions can be accessed via a pop-up menu that you access by right clicking the mouse in the column heading area of the table. You can choose an action to perform for a specific column heading (i.e. by selecting a column heading and clicking the right mouse button) or the entire table (i.e. by positioning the cursor anywhere in the column heading area and clicking the right mouse button). Some of these actions can be accessed via specific icons which are located at the bottom of the window. When the corresponding icon is available it is depicted in the table below.

Note: When performing certain actions (like, e.g., printing information, generating html, displaying information as a graph) you can narrow down the selection of information to include by selecting the applicable columns and/or rows.

Note: If a control is displayed in grey, it is disabled and cannot be performed in the window in which you are working.

Choose Result
Column (name of column)/Lock You lock (freeze) the column from any further action. Such action could be horizontal scrolling, re-locating columns, etc. A red dotted line appears around the locked column heading. This is advantageous when you want to keep certain information visible in the table when scrolling sideways.

Note: When you lock columns it locks from the leftmost column up to the column where the mouse is positioned. You can reverse this action by selecting the column and then right clicking the mouse button and selecting Column (name of column) /Unlock.

Note: To unlock all columns perform the unlock action on the leftmost column.

Column (name of column)/Activate or Inactivate You Activate or Inactivate the column, meaning it will be displayed / not be displayed in the table. To do this right click anywhere in the column heading area and select Activate/Inactive columns. A list containing all columns is displayed. Check or uncheck the desired column in the list to activate/inactivate.

Note: If you select the “stand-alone” Activate/Inactivate columns… option, you will access the Column selector view window where you can activate/inactivate all applicable columns at one time.

Table/Adjust columns width The system adjusts the column width such that both the column heading and the entries are viewed in full.
Table/Select table view You can switch between the existing table views to view data from different angles.
Table/Save settings You save the settings for the currently selected table view.
Table/Reset settings You reset the settings to the default for the currently selected table view.
Table/Show column total You view the numerical total value of the selected entries. Note: This command is only executed if you have selected a column and at least one entry. In addition the entry(ies) you select must be numerical.
Table/Show graph You view the Business Graphics window for the table. Note: This command is only executed if you have selected at least one numerical column/row.

Tip: If you select alphanumerical columns, together with numerical columns. these will be used as legends for the graph. See About working with graphs in Analyser for more information.

Table/Select font… You open the Font selection window in which you can select the font for table entries.
Table/Reset font You reset the font to the last saved font setting.
Table/Print… You open the Generate HTML window where you can enter additional information to the top and/or bottom sections of the printout. After clicking OK on this window you access the Print window where you select the applicable printer and print the information.

Tip: If you wish to preview the printout on screen before printing, choose the Create HTML… option instead. From this window you can both preview and print.

Table/Create HTML… You open the Generate HTML window in which you can view, print, save or send the created HTML page.
Table/Copy to Clipboard/All You copy all text to the system Clipboard. For full details of the system Clipboard, refer to the operating system User’s Guide.

Shortcut Tip: To copy, hold Ctrl whilst you press Insert. To paste the information, hold Shift whilst you press Insert.

Table/Copy to Clipboard/Selected You copy only selected text to the system Clipboard. For full details of the system Clipboard, refer to the operating system User’s Guide.

Shortcut Tip: To copy, hold Ctrl whilst you press Insert. To paste the information, hold Shift whilst you press Insert.

Table/Open spreadsheet/All… If you want all information in the table to be copied, make sure no column headings are selected (instead just right click the mouse button anywhere in the column heading area) and select this choice. You access your installed spreadsheet package where the information is copied.
Table/Copy to file/Selected… If you only want information copied from one or several columns select the applicable column headings and then select this choice. You access your installed spreadsheet package where the information is copied.

Table entry actions

For each table entry in a table you can perform specific actions. These actions are listed in the table below:

Note: All actions are accessed via a pop-up menu. You access them by placing the mouse pointer over a table entry (row) and right clicking the mouse button. A pop up menu will appear with the valid options you can perform for the actual object.

Note: Pre-selected objects and Multimedia related options may not be available on all object categories.

Choose Result
Show details You view the details for the table entry.
The next set of actions can only be executed if there is multimedia connected to the entry. See Multimedia connection detailed instructions.
Multimedia objects/View default image You view the default image.
Multimedia objects/View default movie You view the default movie.
Multimedia objects/Play default sound You play the default sound.
Multimedia objects/Notes/View default You view the default note for the object.
Multimedia objects/Notes/Browse You view all attached notes for the object.
Multimedia objects/Notes/Edit You can edit all attached notes for the object.
Multimedia objects/Notes/Select location You can select the media location where the notes are to be kept.
Multimedia objects/View You view all attached of multimedia objects, regardless of the type, where you can perform the applicable action (manage, view, etc).
Multimedia objects/Assign You can assign a new multimedia object.
Multimedia objects/Manage You can manage multimedia objects.
Multimedia objects/Edit file type settings You can assign the viewer for the specific file type. The same setting can be changed from the Configuration window on the Administration menu. It will override the Operating system’s default viewer.

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