Working with columns using Report Writer in Analyser

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The following describes the process of creating the columns for your report. During this process you create the column headings and then define the periods for which the values should be retrieved.

Note: The number of column heading lines to display for an on-line report is defined in the Defaults page.

You can also, if you want, make selections on column level for the keys included in the report. This allows you to tailor the report even more, thereby narrowing down the information you want to retrieve and display in the report.

As previously mentioned, selections can be made on the following levels:

  • Version level, for the sorted keys in a Summary Report
  • Column level, per column

If you visualise the report as an X/Y axis, the selections you make on version level are displayed vertically on the report. Selections you make on column level are displayed horizontally on the report.

Caution: If you make selection(s) in a column and you have previously made selection(s) for other keys (than in a column) in a version for a Summary report, it is possible that you will not get any result when the report is created. This is because the system will select the appropriate summary level according to the selections defined in the version, and not in the column.

In a column you make a selection on the statistic key Country. In the version connected to the report you make a selection on the statistic key Customer/supplier number. When the report is created (for example, printed), the system will try to find the most appropriate summary level to use according to selections done in the version. If the system finds a summary level defined with only the key Customer/supplier number, that summary level will be used. This means that no summaries exist in the Balance file for Country and Customer/supplier which can result in zero figures.

To avoid the problem with zero result, also make selections for the same keys as in any column. For example, in this case complete the From and To fields for the Country key and select all countries.

For one report you can also define different types of columns. The following column types exist:

  • Balance (actual value) column
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Budget
  • Budget deviation value
  • Budget achieved percentage
  • Forecast value
  • Forecast deviation percentage
  • Forecast achieved percentage
  • Calculated value
  • Index value: These types of columns are typically used when you want to view how much the value is in percentage of the total value. An index value is always based on the value in the preceding column(s).

You can manually create the columns, thereby defining all relevant information or copy columns from one or several existing reports. You can also copy all columns from a report and delete the ones you do not want to use in the new report, as well as change values in a column after copying one.

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