Create an item line for a line report using Report Writer in Analyser

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To add lines to your Line report do as follows:

  1. Select the applicable report.
  2. In the Report definition edit view window, toggle to the Lines page.
  3. In the Report definition edit view window for the Lines page, click the New icon to create a new line.
  4. You access the Report line edit view window with the Main page as the default.
  5. Main page
    On this Main page complete the information in the following fields:

    Note: Depending on the Line type you choose, additional pages will become available where you can define the related information for the line type.

    Line number
    Enter the line number for the line. It is recommended that you number the lines with a large enough interval to ensure simple insertion of lines in the future.
    Enter the description for the line.
    Click the arrow to the right of this field to pull down a drop down list where you can choose from the following types:

    Type Description
    Item line The values for the line will be retrieved according to the From/to selection values you define. You define the selection values for any or all of the keys included in your report
    Sum line You want this line to only contain totals
    Text line This line is for informational purposes only – as text – on the report.
    Calculated line This line will contain a calculation formula which will result in two or more lines being calculated to achieve the result.
    Sequence number
    Define the sorting order of this line by entering a sequence number.

    Relations page
    This page is available if you chose the following line types:

    • Item line
    • Sum line
    • Calculated line

    On this page you define the relation between the individual lines and the summary lines. If you want to add the result of this line to any Sum line, select the applicable Summary line from the drop down list.

    Printing page
    This page is available for all Line types. On this page you define the print options for the report.

    Selections page
    This page is only available if the Line type = Item line.

    On this page you define, per line, the From/To and Mask values you want to retrieve for the key(s) you included in the report.

    Mask selection
    This field can be used in the following three ways:

    • If you only want to include country GB, enter GB in the Mask field for the key.
    • Enter dots (….) in the Mask field for a key. This will result in a selection panel when this version is used when a report is printed. Note: You have to enter as many dots as the key is long. For example, if you enter dots for the key Country, you should enter four dots, since this field Country is four positions long.
    • If you want to include all account numbers with the character “2” in the third position of the code (102000, 112040, 122300), enter __2________ in the Mask column.

      Note: In the first two positions you enter underscores (__), in the third position you enter the character 2, in the next eight positions you enter underscore (________). The total length of characters and underscores, must equal the length of the key. That is why you have to enter eight underscores after the character 2.

    Save the information.

  6. You return to the Report definition edit view window for the Lines page, where the information is updated. Add as many lines as desired via the instructions above, or copy a line.
  7. When finished you are ready to create the layout of your report.

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