Qualifying and applying header discounts

The following outlines different set-up scenarios for Currency and Unit in the H (Header discount) pricing method type and the result of the Order summary calculation (i.e. how the header discount will be qualified and applied).

Currency example:

Assume the following:

  • System currency = GBP
  • Sales pricing methods have been set up with the following header discounts:
Header Discount 1 Header Discount 2 Header Discount 3
On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS1 is set up with currency SEK and Amount limits defined (also expressed in SEK). On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS2 is set up with no currency specified and no Amount limits defined (it will therefore be expressed in system currency, i.e. GBP) On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS3 is set up with currency GBP and Amount limits defined (expressed in GBP)
On the DMR06301 panel a detail is set up with currency SEK. On the DMR06301 panel a detail is set up with currency EURO. On the DMR06301 panel two details are set up with currencies EURO and GBP respectively.

If there are three sales orders defined with the following:

  • SO 1 Primary currency = EURO
  • SO 2 Primary currency = GBP
  • SO 3 Primary currency = SEK

Note: In order to exemplify the handling and set up of currency for order summary header discounts in an easy way, assume that all sales order lines are set up to contribute with their amounts/quantities during order summary discounts calculation and to benefit from them (if any qualified). In addition, it shall also be assumed that all sales order line’s unit information fulfils any hypothetical set-up for unit.

The following will happen during Order summary calculation:

A) SO 1 in EURO: The system will select HDIS2 and HDIS3 because both header discounts are set up directly or indirectly (currency left empty) to handle system currency GBP and, because of this, it allows all currencies to pick them up and try to qualify them. At detail level for both HDIS2 and HDIS3 a record holding EURO is defined, so this sales order can try to qualify them. Note: Before trying to qualify any amount limit, the amount in EURO will be converted to GBP.

Conclusion: This order would get up to 2 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS2 and HDIS3, if qualified).

B) SO 2 in GBP: The system will select HDIS2 and HDIS3 because both header discounts are set up directly or indirectly (currency left empty) to handle system currency GBP and, because of this, it allows all currencies to pick them up and try to qualify them. At detail level only HDIS3 has a record holding GBP, so this sales order can only try to qualify HDIS3. When amount limits are attempted to be qualified, no currency conversion is required as the SO’s amount is already in system currency.

Conclusion: This order would not get more than 1 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS3, if qualified).

C) SO 3 in SEK: The system will select HDIS1 as it is set up for SEK. The system will also select HDIS2 and HDIS3 because both header discounts are set up directly or indirectly (currency left empty) to handle system currency GBP and, because of this, it allows all currencies to pick them up and try to qualify them. At detail level only HDIS1 has a record holding SEK, so this sales order can only try to qualify HDIS1. When amount limits are attempted to be qualified. No currency conversion is required as the SO’s amount is already in given currency.

Conclusion: This order would not get more than 1 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS1, if qualified).

Unit example:

Assume the following:

  • Sales pricing methods have been set up with the following header discounts:
Header Discount 1 Header Discount 2 Header Discount 3
On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS1 is set up with unit BOX6 and quantity limits defined (also expressed in BOX6). On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS2 is set up with no unit specified and no quantity limits defined (it will therefore be expressed in stock unit, i.e. whatever stock unit(s) is handled by applicable order) On the DMR06211 panel: HDIS3 is set up with stock unit EACH and Quantity limits defined (expressed in EACH)
On the DMR06301 panel a detail is set up with unit BOX6. On the DMR06301 panel a detail is set up with unit BOX12. On the DMR06301 panel two details are set up with units EACH and BOX12 respectively.

If there are three sales orders defined with the following:

  • SO 1, where:
    • Line 1 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX24, ordered item’s stock unit is BOX24
    • Line 2 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX12, ordered item’s stock unit is EACH
    • Line 3 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX12, ordered item’s stock unit is BOX24
  • SO 2, where:
    • Line 1 holds quantity expressed in sales unit EACH, held item’s stock unit is EACH
    • Line 2 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX24, held item’s stock unit is BOX24
  • SO 3 Stock unit, where:
    • Line 1 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX6, held item’s stock unit is BOX24
    • Line 2 holds quantity expressed in sales unit BOX6, held item’s stock unit is EACH

Note: In order to exemplify the handling and set up of unit for order summary header discounts in an easy way, assume that all sales order lines are set up to contribute with their amounts/quantities during the order summary discount calculation and to benefit from them (if any qualified). In addition, also assume that all sales order’s primary currencies fulfil any hypothetical set up for currency.

The following will happen during Order summary calculation:

A) SO 1 in EACH: The system will select:

  • HDIS2 because it is set up with no unit, allowing this to be picked up by all sales order lines regardless of connected sales/stock unit in order to be attempted to be qualified. At detail level a record holding BOX12 is defined, so lines 2 and 3 holding sales unit BOX12 can try to qualify it. Note: Before trying to qualify any quantity limit, the quantities in BOX12 will be converted to stock units EACH and BOX24 respectively before quantity summarisation for quantity limit qualification takes place.
  • HDIS3 because it is set up with unit EACH, allowing this to be picked up by those sales order lines whose sales unit matches EACH. If set-up unit is not among sales order line’s sales units, as it is the case for this order, HDIS3 can still be selected if sales order lines’s stock unit matches EACH in order to be attempted to be qualified. In this case it is picked up because line 2 holds an item whose stock unit matches set up unit EACH. At detail level a record holding BOX12 is defined, so line 2 can try to qualify it. Note: Before trying to qualify any quantity limit, the quantity in BOX12 will be converted to stock unit EACH.

Conclusion: This order would get up to 2 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS2 and HDIS3, if qualified).

B) SO 2 in BOX24: The system will select:

  • HDIS2 because it is set up with no unit, allowing this to be picked up by all sales order lines regardless of connected sales/stock unit in order to be attempted to be qualified. Nevertheless, at detail level no record defined for order’s only handled sales unit BOX24 can be found for which sales order lines and consequently the sales order cannot try to qualify it.
  • HDIS3 because it is set up with unit EACH, allowing this to be picked up by those sales order lines whose sales unit matches EACH. In this case sales unit for line 1 matches set-up unit EACH while line 2 does not match neither at sales nor stock unit level. At detail level a record holding EACH is defined, so line 1 can try to qualify it. Note: When quantity limits are attempted to be qualified no unit conversion is required as the line’s quantity is already in given set-up unit (EACH).

Conclusion: This order would not get more than 1 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS3, if qualified).

C) SO 3 in BOX12: The system will select:

  • HDIS1 because it is set up with unit BOX6, allowing this to be picked up by those sales order lines whose sales unit matches BOX6. In this case sales unit for both line 1 and 2 matches set-up unit BOX6. At detail level a record holding BOX6 is defined, so line 1 and 2 can try to qualify it. Note: When quantity limits are attempted to be qualified no unit conversion is required as the lines’ quantities are already in given set-up unit (BOX6).
  • HDIS2 because it is set up with no unit, allowing this to be picked up by all sales order lines regardless of connected sales/stock unit in order to be attempted to be qualified. Nevertheless, at detail level no record defined for order’s only handled sales unit BOX6 can be found for which sales order lines, and consequently the sales order, cannot try to qualify it.
  • HDIS3 because it is set up with unit EACH, allowing this to be picked up by those sales order lines whose sales unit matches EACH. If set-up unit is not among sales order line’s sales units, as it is the case for this order, HDIS3 can still be selected if sales order lines’s stock unit matches EACH in order to be attempted to be qualified. In this case it is picked up because line 2 holds an item whose stock unit matches set-up unit EACH. Nevertheless, at detail level no record defined for order’s only handled sales unit BOX6 can be found for which sales order lines, and consequently, the sales order cannot try to qualify it.

Conclusion: This order would not get more than 1 of the 3 set-up header discounts applied (HDIS1, if qualified).