- Select the Work with baskets menu item.
- On the initial panel, click Add.
- You access Work with baskets, Header where you enter the basket header details. These include the keys that will be used as the criteria for the basket and any overall qualifying quantity or value (or both) that each sales order must contain for the basket pricing to be valid. You enter the actual values for the keys on Basket Detail level. Complete the following fields:
- Basket
- Enter the code for the new basket.
- Description
- Enter a description.
- Keys 1-5
- Key fields are the defining parameters of the basket. By selecting one or more key fields a selection criteria is created. You define the values for the keys that you choose here on Detail level. The basket pricing would only be applied if the values on a sales order match the criteria.
Select up to five keys by pressing F4. Any of the following key fields can be used to define the selection criteria, but they must first be activated in the DIS control keys table to be available for selection.
Note: If key for Item is selected, no other item related keys can be selected along with that key.
- Qualifying quantity
- Optional entry. Enter an overall qualifying quantity in stock units that must be reached before the basket will be used in basket discounting.
- Qualifying value
- Optional entry. Enter an overall qualifying value in system currency that must be reached before the basket will be used in basket discounting.
- All basket details
- Mandatory entry. Indicate if all details must be qualified before proceeding with qualification of any defined overall qualifying amount or quantity (or both).
- Highlight the new record and select Details.
- On the details panel select Add.
- You access Work with baskets, Details where you add a new key value for each of the keys selected in the header panel as well as define the mandatory qualifying quantity and value. Complete the following fields:
- Key
- For whatever key is displayed, select the applicable key value.
- Qualifying quantity
- Enter the qualifying quantity of the key element in the basket. In order to qualify for any benefits of basket discounting a minimum quantity or value, (or both), of each item related element must be ordered on a sales order for this basket to become effective in sales discounting.
- Qualifying value
- Enter the qualifying value or the key elements in the basket. In order to qualify for any benefits of basket discounting a minimum quantity or value, (or both), of each item related element must be ordered on a sales order for this basket to become effective in sales discounting.
Basket key code
In the fields below you define up to five keys that will be valid for this basket definition. These include the keys that will be used as the criteria for the basket and any overall qualifying quantity or value (or both) that each sales order must contain for the basket pricing to be valid. You enter the actual values for the keys on Basket Detail level. Note: If fixed basket keys were defined in the DIS control file they will be valid for every basket definition, meaning no other keys may be defined here.
Item | Item discount group |
Item price group | Item group |
Item account group | Item category 1-6 |
Item family | Item sector |
Item segment 1-6 |
Click OK to update and return to the previous panel.
Click OK to update. Exit the program.
Setting up the discount rules
The discount rules to be applied to the basket definitions in this file are set up in Work with sales pricing methods. Method types O (Order line summary discount) and H (Header discount) are valid for baskets. The connection to the basket definition in this file is made via the key code (1-5) fields for the applicable O and H type.
Note: One of the keys in Work with sales pricing methods must contain the key for baskets (33). The value for that key is chosen from this Work with baskets file when setting up the method details. See Define basket discounting for instructions.