Set up insurance fees

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You can set up the system to calculate an insurance fee percentage to be applied at sales order entry or after picking.

You define the percentages to be used in the insurance calculation on customer level. If the Calculate insurance field in Work with business partners, Customer file panel is set to True, the system automatically retrieves the correct percentage during sales order entry.

Note: If you want the Insurance fee to, instead, be a set amount the user must manually enter this information at sales order entry (on the sales order header).

To set up an insurance fee based on a percentage define the following information.

Table/File Fields
Insurance table
    You can enter a customer number or leave this field blank. If, for example, you enter a customer number and leave the Manner of transport and Terms of delivery fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for this customer, independent of Manner of transport and Terms of delivery on the sales orders to this customer. This is assuming that the Calc insur field for the sales order, on the Shipping information panel is set to True.
    Manner of transport
    You can enter a code from the Manner of transport table or leave the field blank. If, for example, you enter a Manner of transport code and leave the Customer and Terms of delivery fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for all sales orders, independent of Customer number and Terms of delivery if the manner of transport on the order matches. This is assuming that the Calc insur field for the sales order on the Shipping information panel is set to True.
    Terms of delivery
    You can enter a code from the Terms of delivery table or leave the field blank. If, for example, you enter a Terms of delivery code and leave the Customer and Manner of transport fields blank, the system uses this insurance percentage as the default for all sales orders, independent of Customer number and Manner of transport, if the terms of delivery on the order matches. This is assuming that the Calc insur field for the sales order on the Shipping information panel is set to True.
    Insurance percentage
    Enter the insurance percentage. The insurance value is calculated on the invoice as:

    Insurance % * total of the order lines

Work with business partners, Customer file panel
    Calculate insurance
    Set to True.

The system uses the insurance percentage defined in this table to update the Work with sales order, Shipping information panel and reads the table records in the following order:

  1. If a value has been defined for Customer, Manner of transport and the Terms of delivery on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  2. If a value has been defined for Customer and Terms of delivery on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  3. If a value has been defined for Customer and the Manner of transport on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  4. If a value has been defined for Customer on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  5. If a value has been defined for Manner of transport and Terms of delivery on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  6. If a value has been defined for Terms of delivery on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.
  7. If a value has been defined for Manner of transport on the sales order then the Shipping information panel is updated with the insurance percentage.

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