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Setting up activity based pricing

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This document outlines the instructions for setting up the activity based pricing functionality, allowing you to charge a customer an amount for an activity performed during sales order entry, picking, delivery or transport.

Set up the following:

Tables/Files To do
Function control file The ABPACT (ABP active) function needs to be activated to be able to create entries in the ABP charge file.

The activation of the following function is optional:

ABPINVO (ABP charges for open orders) – If the ABPACT function is activated, the system creates transactions/activities to be invoiced during the entire sales order process, based on the activity based pricing setup. Transactions/activities (i.e. charges) are collected when the ABP invoicing is run. During this charge collection the system checks the status on the order from where the transactions/activities originate. If this ABPINVO function is activated, the transactions/activities created by still open orders (status is less than 60) will be included on the ABP invoice.

Work with signatures Ensure that all handlers that will be used in the activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The default handler must be set as the Character value on Key level for the preloaded DFTORDT level in the Default and replacements table. (See the Defaults and replacements table below.)
Work with sales order types Ensure that all sales order types that will be used in the activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The default sales order type must be set as the Character value on Key level for the preloaded DFTORDT level in the Default and replacements table. The sales order type can also be set as a Criterion in the Work with ABP conditions file if the applicable Activity/Base/Criterion combination is activated in the Chargeable activity maintenance. (See the Defaults and replacements table, Chargeable activity maintenance and Work with ABP conditions file below.)

In addition, the sales order type that is to be used for ABP invoice (sales order) creation should have a setup with no documents except for invoice. This will make the sales order go to status 45 after creation.

DI documents The ABP functionality uses the DI order generation routine to generate the ABP order/invoice. Ensure that all DI document types that will be used in the Activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The default DI document type must be set as the Character value on Key level for the preloaded DIDOCTYPE level in the Default and replacements table. (See the Defaults and replacements table below.)
DI methods The ABP functionality uses the DI order generation routine to generate the ABP order/invoice. Ensure that all DI methods that will be used in the Activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The default DI method must be set as the Character value on Key level for the preloaded DIMETHOD level in the Default and replacements table. (See Defaults and replacements table below.)
Work with order sources Ensure that all order sources that will be used in the activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The default order source must be set as the Character value on Key level for the preloaded ORDSOURCE level in the Default and replacements table. The order source can also be set as a Criterion in the Work with ABP conditions file if the applicable Activity/Base/Criterion combination is activated in the Chargeable activity maintenance. (See the Defaults and replacements table, Chargeable activity maintenance and Work with ABP conditions file below.)
Route groups Ensure that all route groups that will be used in the activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The route group can be set as a Criterion in the Work with ABP conditions file if the applicable Activity/Base/Criterion combination is activated in the Chargeable activity maintenance. (See the Chargeable activity maintenance and Work with ABP conditions file below.)
Work with routes Ensure that all routes that will be used in the activity based pricing functionality exist in this file. The route can be set as a Criterion in the Work with ABP conditions file if the applicable Activity/Base/Criterion combination is activated in the Chargeable activity maintenance. (See the Chargeable activity maintenance and Work with ABP conditions file below.)
Default and replacements table This table is preloaded with Distribution. The group associated with the ABP functionality is ABPACT (Activity Based Pricing). At preload, this group is activated with the following levels:

  • DFTHAND = Default handler
  • DFTORDT = Default order type
  • DIDOCTYPE = DI Document type
  • DIMETHOD = DI Method
  • ORDSOURCE = Order source

The Character value must be entered on Key level. Do as follows:

  1. Per level, select the Keys option.
  2. On the Level keys panel, select the Change option.
  3. Enter the Character value. This is the default value that will be used during the order generation of ABP orders, (which is done via the ABP invoice selection routine), that will later be invoiced via the standard invoice routine.
ABP class table Add the ABP classes.
ABP item group The creation of ABP item groups is optional and need only be done if you plan on activating a chargeable activity combination in the ABP chargeable activities file that holds the criterion *ABPITEMGROUP and set up a condition in the Work with ABP conditions file that holds this criterion.
Work with items All items that are to be valid for activity based pricing must be defined as Fictitious items on the Basic data panel.
Chargeable activity maintenance The activities in this table are preloaded with Distribution and include the Activity code, Base code and Criterion code combinations that are available for use within the activity based pricing functionality. These combinations are used in the Work with ABP conditions file when defining conditions per ABP class. Do as follows for each applicable combination:

    Set this flag to YES to activate the combination.
    Fictitious item
    This field is mandatory for all chargeable activities that are activated (i.e. the Active flag is set to YES). Enter the fictitous item that is to be used for the charge to the customer. When the ABP sales order is generated, the ABP charge file is updated with the fictitious item from the chargeable activity. You may want to use the same fictitious item for all activated chargeable activities or different fictitious items depending on your needs. For example, you may deem it necessary to charge the customer for all orders that are manually entered after 17:00; or you may deem it necessary to charge a customer for picking the goods that are to be shipped to a specific route.
    Check back order
    Set this flag to YES if you want back-ordered sales orders to be searched for activity based pricing charges for this combination.
Work with ABP customer charges This file is preloaded with the activity code/base code combinations. Indicate which combinations are allowed to be used by customers for charging, or available to use in the ABP condition setup.
Business partner file On the Customer file panel, assign the customer to an ABP class.
Work with ABP conditions This file is the hub of the functionality where you define the conditions. Only activated chargeable activities are available. Chargeable activities are assigned as details to ABP classes. It is three-level procedure, whereby on the:

  • First level = You attach the ABP class and define the date range during which the activity based pricing will be valid.
  • Second level = You define the actual activity, basis and criterion (activated in the ABP chargeable activities table) for which an amount should be charged.
  • Third level = You define the actual contents (value) of the criterion and the amount that should be charged, if an order fulfills this criterion.

Example 1:

Assume the following is set up in this file:

  • ABP class = MANUAL
  • Date range = 8/1/13 to 8/31/13
  • Activity = *ORDERENTRY
  • Basis = *ORDER
  • Criterion = *ORDERTYPE, with a value of SO from the Sales order type table
  • Amount to be charged = 100 (System currency)

Whenever a sales order is manually entered for a customer that is:

  • connected to the ABP class
  • within the date range
  • using the order type SO

a charge will be logged in the ABP charge file.

Example 2:

Assume the following is set up in this file:

  • ABP class = ROUTE
  • Date range = 8/1/13 to 8/31/13
  • Activity = *DELIVERY
  • Basis = *VOLUME
  • Criterion = *ROUTE, with a value of ALTERNATE from the Route table
  • Amount to be charged = 100 (System currency)

Whenever a sales order is manually entered with a delivery to a customer that is:

  • connected to the ABP class
  • within the date range
  • with the route of ALTERNATE that is held in the criterion

a charge will be logged in the ABP charge file.

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