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Setting up the alternative item handling functionality in Pharma

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This document outlines the instructions for Setting up the alternative item handling functionality in Pharma, allowing the user to select an alternative item to sell in place of a regularly sold item.

Tables/Files To do
Work with companies Activate the Pharma application.
Function control file The following three function controls are associated with the alternative item functionality. The first one (ALTITMSL) controls the specific functionality and can be activated on its own without activating the other two function controls. It is, however, recommended that you activate the other two as well since they are involved in the settings for sales order entry.

ALTITMSL (Alternative item selection) Activate this function to be able to select from a list of alternative items during sales order entry.
SRCORDCT (Search item order control) Activate this function if you want Smart order entry to be launched, in which you can search for the alternative item instead of the regular item search panel.
LVESMOAC (Leave smart order after create) Activate this function if you want the user to automatically exit the smart sales order entry session after creation of an order line.
Panel value control file The panel value of PH for the CROSREFTYP panel value group is preloaded with the system. If you want to use another panel value, you must add it to this file.
Default and replacements table This table is preloaded with Pharma. The group associated with the Alternative item functionality is ALTITMSL (Alternative item selection). At preload, this group is activated with the following level:

  • CROSSREF = Cross reference type

The Character value of PH for the TYPE key is also preloaded with Pharma. This is the value that will be used as cross reference type in the alternative item selection.

If you decided to add/use another panel value than the preloaded PH in the Panel value table, then you must change the character value entered on Key level, do as follows:

  1. On the CROSSREF level, select the Keys option.
  2. On the Level keys panel, select the Change option for the TYPE key.
  3. Enter the Character value. This is the value that will be used as cross reference type in the alternative item selection.
Item cross reference types No set up is required. The CROSREFTYP panel value group is delivered in the system files with a PH panel value.
Work with items Cross reference items of type PH need to be created in the Item cross references panel.

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