Setting up the package reporting functionality

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If your business requires package reporting the setup is as follows:

File To do
Units Ensure all applicable units are registered.
DIS control file Ensure the following fields are completed. These are system values and are retrieved to the Item/Units panel:

    Unit for volume
    If you plan on using volume in package reporting and/or outbound shipments, enter the applicable unit to measure volume.
    Unit for weight
    If you plan on using weight in package reporting, and/or outbound shipments, and/or for the automatic calculation/retrieval of freight fees, enter the unit used to measure weight.
Work with package types Register your package types and measurements.
Item file (Units panel) Optionally complete the following fields for your items:

    Gross weight
    Gross volume
    Package type
    Enter the applicable package type from Working with package types, denoting the type of packaging required for this item/unit combination.
    Package type qty
    The quantity of the item that normally goes into one package.

The Gross weight and Gross volume are used in the following:

  • Package reporting, if the warehouse used on the sales order is defined with package reporting on Line level (L).
  • Outbound shipments, if a maximum weight/volume is defined per shipment. The system will accumulate the values and compare it to the Gross weight and Gross volume for the item on this Units panel. If the total weight/volume of the shipment exceeds the gross weight/gross volume, the user will be flagged with a warning.
  • Retrieval of freight fee if the system is set up to automatically calculate/retrieve freight fees based on a weight limit.
Work with warehouses For the warehouses against which your sales orders will be registered, complete the following fields:

    Package report level
    Define the type of package reporting applicable. Enter H (Header level) or L (Line level).

    Header level is applicable when doing package reporting from the following routines:

    • Work with pickings
    • Pick confirmation flow

    Line level is applicable when doing package reporting via the following routines:

    • Work with pickings
    • Work with package reporting
    • Work with outbound shipments
    Dft package type
    Optional entry and only applicable when Package report level is set to H (Header level). Enter the package type from Work with packages that will be defaulted as a suggestion during the pick confirmation process.

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