Define an accounting matrix code

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The following describes how to define an accounting matrix code to be used when accounting of a combination of values from two or three tables is required for a transaction type.

  1. Select the Work with accounting matrix codes menu item.
  2. On the initial panel, click Add. Note: The table numbers reserved for accounting matrix codes range from 60 to 89, which means that a maximum of 29 codes can be defined.
  3. On the detail panel you define the combination of table references that should be used for the transaction type. You can specify an accounting combination of two or three tables per accounting matrix code and transaction type. Complete the following fields:
  4. Code
    Enter a unique code to identify the accounting matrix code. The range must be 60-89.
    Enter a description of the accounting matrix code.
    Table 1
    Enter a value from the Valid tables section representing the first table reference in the accounting combination.
    Table 2
    Enter a value from the Valid tables section representing the second table reference in the accounting combination.
    Table 3
    Enter a value from the Valid tables section representing the third table reference in the accounting combination.

    Valid tables
    In this section, the table numbers and descriptions that are valid for the Table value dependent accounting method are listed to be used for the transaction type. Any of the table numbers displayed can be entered as a valid table reference per Table 1-3. Click Next to view all tables.

    Click OK. You return to the main panel. When you have defined all necessary accounting matrix codes, you have the possibility to define accounting matrix defaults. Follow the instructions in Define accounting matrix defaults.

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