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Internal stock trans doc type table (PLDD02601)

Note: Only applicable if you are running the Polish application.

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In this table you define all internal stock transaction document types that you want to use for internal stock documents. This is the file where you connect the G/L related Document type (from Work with document types) and Transaction type (from Work with transaction types). You also define what type of internal stock transactions are allowed for this internal stock transaction document type, (i.e., Internal pick up or Internal reception), when the internal stock transaction is created.


Add Select this option to add a record.
Select Select this option to display a record.

This column displays the Internal stock transaction document type.
Tran type
This column displays the transaction type defined for the Internal stock transaction document type.

The transaction types that could be displayed are the following:

1 Internal pick up (only stock decreasing transactions will be created).
2 Internal reception (only stock increasing transactions will be created).
This column displays the description of the internal stock transaction document type.

Internal stock trans doc type table (PLDD02604)

On this panel you maintain the details for the internal stock transaction document type.

Function keys

Translate/Display translations Either update or view information from the Table translation file. Displayed fields can be translated to any of the languages registered in Work with languages.
Document type
Mandatory field. Enter the applicable G/L related document type from Work with document types.
Pick up/Reception
Mandatory field. Indicate what type of transactions are allowed to be entered for this Internal stock transaction document type. Valid entries are:

1 Internal pick up (only stock decreasing transactions will be created).
2 Internal reception (only stock increasing transactions will be created).
Mandatory field. Enter the description for the Internal stock transaction document type. This description can be translated to different languages via the Translate function key. The description will be used on the document and on the printout.
Transaction type
Optional field. Note: If you do not connect the applicable transaction type from Work with transaction types here, then it must be connected when the actual Internal stock transaction is created. Optionally enter the applicable transaction type from Work with transaction types.

Depending on the type of transaction that is retrieved into the header of the Internal stock transaction document via this Internal stock transaction document type, (i.e., 1 = Internal pick up or 2 = Internal reception), the applicable stock adjustment accounting transactions, (i.e., stock decrease or stock increase), will be generated.

Send by SAF
Optional field. Set this field to YES if internal stock transactions for this Internal stock transaction document type should be included in SAF reporting.