The following two routines are available for confirming the picking:
Depending on your needs, you can choose one or the other or utilize both. Both routines support the update and validation from an external client, e.g., Iptor WM1, but the Work with pickings routine should be used if Iptor WM1 was implemented in one of your main warehouses since any erroneous transactions sent from Iptor WM1 are saved. If an Iptor WM1 transaction ends up on error, you would use this routine to view and manually correct the erroneous transaction.
Start view for pick list confirmation
In the Work with pickings routine, you can configure the start view, via the View control function key, denoting what view (i.e. Pickings, Shipments, Consolidations, Containers or All warehouses) should be the default view when you first access the Work with pickings routine. Note: The Container view is only available if the CONTAINR (Container handling) function is activated in the Function control file.
Pick list confirmation for a container
If the container handling functionality has been set up and you want to use the Work with pickings routine to confirm a container you can use the Container view which can be configured as the start view via a view control, or any of the other views. From the Container view, the confirmation reporting is done per container and not by pick list. If the container is flagged for PQC (Pick quality control) reporting, the confirmation for such a container is only available from the Container view.
The Pick confirmation flow routine can only be used for containers that are not flagged for PQC (Pick quality control) reporting.
Barcode scanning
If the barcode scanning functionality has been set up and you plan on scanning barcoded labels when performing a pick from stock, this can be done using any of the following routines:
- Work with pickings
- Work with batch receive and pick
The content of the barcode is automatically converted and updated in the system, and if all information is correct, the reception is automatically confirmed. See Scan barcoded labels during pick from stock for instructions.
Serialized tracking for batch controlled items
When picking is performed for batch controlled items you will be required to select a unique serialized tracking ID per stock unit if the SERTRACK (Serialized tracking) function is activated in Work with function controls and the batch controlled item is flagged for serialized tracking.
Work with pickings routine
In this routine you are able to view all non-confirmed and confirmed pick lists via five different views:
- Picking view
- Shipments view (outbound) – Typically used when your own fleet delivers the goods (i.e. you need to know the lines)
- All warehouses
- Consolidations view for pick consolidations
- Container view if the container handling functionality has been set up in the system
You must select the task you need to work with. All tasks are available behind options. Tasks include:
Lines | If any of the items are a Warehouse Management controlled item, or batch item or serial number controlled item, you will first access the Detail lines panel where you can enter/change the picked quantity. In addition, you can create a duplicate record if, e.g., you need to pick from, e.g., two different batches and thus need to add a second batch, or when one suggested pick line needs to be picked from two different locations instead of the one suggested. If the item on the pick line is a batch controlled item, the batch from which the quantity should be picked is suggested. If you need to change the batch you simply prompt the window listing the batches and select that applicable. If the SERTRACK (Serialized tracking) function is activated in Work with function controls, and any batch controlled items are flagged for serialized tracking you will access the Serialized tracking, Dispatch panel after clicking OK where you must select the applicable serialized tracking ID per stock unit. If the item on the pick line is a serial number controlled item, the serial number entry panel is triggered automatically after clicking OK on this panel.
If the items are not a Warehouse Management controlled item, or batch item, or serial number controlled item, you will access the Lines panel directly after selecting the Lines option where you can enter/change the backlog code and confirm the dispatched quantity. Catch weight handling |
Display errors | View errors for any transactions sent from an external client, e.g., Iptor WM1.
Examples of errors are:
All transactions sent from an external client are stored in the WMS transaction log file. Depending on the type of error, you can manually correct the error in this Work with pickings routine if applicable, or click the Retry option from the WMS transaction log (for the transaction) if the WMS Interface application is activated. If the error is caused because of a lack of information, the error should ideally be corrected in the external client if possible; else in this Work with pickings routine after communication with the warehouse personnel. |
Confirm | Allows you to first maintain the line information (manually enter the picked quantity) and confirm. |
Confirm full dispatch | Allows you to confirm a full dispatch without maintaining the line information (i.e. the suggested quantity (i.e. customer’s order quantity) will be moved to the picked quantity field if zero; else accept the picked quantity). In addition, all picks that are picked according the pick suggestion could be confirmed here. The confirm full dispatch can be viewed as a type of “exception handling” whereby only picks where changes were made need to be first corrected e.g., correct locations or quantities using lines and then confirm. |
Cancel | This option is only applicable for confirmed pick lists and allows you to cancel a part of or the entire pick confirmed quantity. Note: Cancellation of a part of or the entire quantity on a confirmed pick list is not allowed for backlogged lines, credit orders, service orders, MDC orders, IRO, and invoiced orders. |
Extras | Accept/enter additional fees (freight, administration and invoice). |
Package reporting | This routine supports package reporting on both Line level and Header level.
Line level: Header level:
PQC confirmation | This option is only displayed in the Container view, and is only applicable if confirming a container that is flagged for PQC (Pick quality control) reporting. Access the Work with pickings, Detail lines panel to enter the picked quantity for the container and then confirm the container. |
Freight documents (for a confirmed pick list) | If package reporting for the warehouse on the sales order is defined on Header level, only third-party freight documents are available, if that functionality is activated. |
Transport note (for a confirmed pick list) |
Pick confirmation flow routine
This routine combines the tasks into one outbound sequential flow incorporating the confirmation, package reporting and print of third-party freight documents (if activated). You do not have to select what task you need to work with. A mandatory Pick handler field allows you to log/keep track of who did the picking. This routine supports package reporting on Header level. This (simplified) package reporting is typically used when your company uses external carriers to ship the goods.
Note: Confirmation handling of Consolidated pick lists, Shipments, PQC (Pick quality control) reporting for Containers, and any Additional fees (freight, administration, or invoice) is NOT handled using the Pick confirmation flow routine. Use the Work with pickings routine for that handling.
The following tasks (panels) will automatically be prompted accordingly:
1. Pick list confirmation (or Location confirmation – if Warehouse Management is activated) where you enter the pick list number. If the PICK-HND (Pick handler) function is activated in the Function control file, the Pick handler field is displayed and is a mandatory entry. Enter the user ID of the person working with the pick confirmation.
If you want to cancel a part of or the entire pick quantity, set the Cancel flag to YES. Note: Cancellation is not allowed for backlogged lines, credit orders, service orders, MDC orders, IRO, and invoiced orders. Non-serial/batch/Warehouse Management item Serial/Batch/Warehouse Management item. |
2. Detail lines where you manually enter or accept the picked quantity. In addition, you can create a duplicate record if, e.g., you need to pick from, e.g., two different batches and thus need to add a second batch, or when one suggested pick line needs to be picked from two different locations instead of the one suggested. If the item on the pick line is a batch controlled item, the batch from which the quantity should be picked is suggested. If you need to change the batch you simply prompt the window listing the batches and select that applicable. If the SERTRACK (Serialized tracking) function is activated in Work with function controls, and any batch controlled items are flagged for serialized tracking you will access the Serialized tracking, Dispatch panel after clicking OK where you must select the applicable serialized tracking ID per stock unit. If the item on the pick line is a serial number controlled item, the serial number entry panel is triggered automatically after clicking OK on this panel. |
3. Lines where you change the backlog code. You can also confirm the picking. Note that the Confirm function key is only displayed if the pick list is ready for confirmation (not, e.g., during zone pick).
Catch weight handling |
4. Package reporting panel if the warehouse on the sales order = H (header) level:
5. Freight documents. Only third-party freight documents are available if that functionality is activated (and package reporting for the warehouse on the sales order is set up on header level).
Note: If the Third party freight doc (TFD) application and the AUTOTFD (Auto crt 3rd party freight doc) function control are activated, the DOC04 document is created automatically. If DOC04 is the only active document, this panel is not displayed. In addition, if the NFREDPIC (No Freight document panel) function control is activated, the Freight document panel is not auto-displayed. |
Regardless of the routine you use, you report the quantities being dispatched and any discrepancies for items from the pick list printout. If Service is installed and activated you will be able to use this routine to confirm returned lists.
If the sales order type used to enter the sales order indicates that backlogging should be performed after pick list confirmation (the B.log after pl conf field is set to YES and OFR code is set to 3 or 4), then back order lines will be created upon completion of this routine. If the sales order type did not indicate this, then the back order lines will be created after invoicing.
Note: If you try to confirm a partial delivery (i.e. confirm an incomplete delivery of any line), for an order that indicates a complete delivery, a warning is displayed. For more information see About sales order entry and Print a pick list.
If there is insufficient stock and only a partial quantity of the ordered goods has been picked, a new sales order line for the remaining quantity will be automatically generated when the pick list is confirmed. This means that a sales order line can be split into two deliveries, the second delivery being the back order quantity.
Backlog after pick list confirmation
If backlogging is performed after the pick list has been confirmed then a new order line (with the back ordered item and quantity) will be added to your sales order. After the pick list has been confirmed you will be able to view both the original sales order line and the back order line from your sales order if you access it via the Work with Sales orders, Header view panel.
Backlog after invoicing
If backlogging is performed after invoicing then a new order line (with the back ordered item and quantity) will be added to your sales order. However, the sales order line that has been invoiced will be upgraded to status 60. This means that you will only be able to view that order line if you access the sales order via the Enquiry program. Via the Work with Sales orders, Header view panel you will only be able to view the back order line.
Serial numbers/Batches
For items with serial number tracking you must, in this routine, enter the serial numbers you have picked. The batches assigned to a line can also be updated if you wish to change any batch that was automatically retrieved by the system at pick list printout.
Serial number entry via scanner
You have the possibility to access the serial number entry program and then select scanner mode if you are registering serial numbers via a scanner. The program automatically checks if a serial number has already been registered regardless of the amount of serial numbers.
Confirming return lists
If Service is installed and activated you will be able to use this program to confirm returned lists. Before confirming a return list:
- Parts must have been registered in the Work with service order part returns program.
- Returned list must also have been printed via the Print sales order pick list program.
Confirming pick lists containing MDC sales orders
- the status of the corresponding purchase order (in the demanding company) will be updated with the confirmed quantity.
- any entered batch or serial numbers will also transferred to the purchase order.
- the status of the purchase order will be updated: it will be ready to be received into stock.
Sales order lines connected to a manufacturing order
When a pick list containing sales order lines connected to a manufacturing order is confirmed validation of available quantity will be done against reported quantity on the manufacturing order.
Check for stock take suspension
Only applicable via the Pick confirmation flow routine. If Warehouse Management is installed and activated you will be able to use this program to check for stock take suspension. If, e.g., the suggested quantity has not been picked or the suggested location has been changed, a suspension is performed according to the definition made in the Warehouse zone table.
Suspension means that:
- No more transactions are allowed for the location.
- A stock take should be performed as soon as possible to correct the balance in the warehouse. The suspended locations can be selected using the Work with stock takes routine in order to correct the error.
You can, however, let the system continue with the pick list confirmation process without suspending the item or location (the Suspend pick error field).
Enquiries and printouts
- Sales order enquiry
- Batch file enquiry
- Serial number tracking file enquiry
- Inventory transaction enquiry
- Serialized tracking enquiry
- Batch file printout
- Serial number tracking file printout
- Inventory transaction file printout
Related topics
- Confirm a pick list
- Confirm a consolidated pick list
- Scan barcoded labels during pick from stock
- Cancel a part of or the entire quantity on a confirmed pick list
- About the container handling functionality
- About catch weight handling for price units
- About freight documents
- About package reporting
- About printing pick lists
- About sales order entry
- About working with outbound shipments