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Imported bank statements

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The UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments Messages for the business area Bank-to-Customer Cash Management guideline is a global XML format for receiving bank transactions from financial institutions to enable automated matching of open items in the Accounts receivable ledger and/or Accounts payable ledger.

The Teller Merchant Settlement Report guideline is a global XML format for receiving Netstore A/R credit card payments from financial institutions to enable automated matching of open items in the Accounts receivable ledger.


The schemes are based on the UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments Messages for the business area Bank-to-Customer Cash Management guideline, which is found in the ISO MDR 2009 (Message Definition Report).

  • ISO 20022 XML message BankToCustomerStatementV02, camt.053.001.02
    • Reports booked transactions and balances on the account.
  • ISO 20022 XML message BankToCustomerDebitCredit NotificationV02, camt.054.001.02
    • Reports transactions booked on the account. Provided either as a Credit notification or Debit notification or Credit-/Debit notification.

The scheme is based on the Teller Merchant Settlement Report (MSR), which reports Netstore A/R credit card payments booked on the account.


The process starts from Integrator by receiving and interpreting the XML files from financial institutions according to the guideline UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments Messages, see section Schemes, or Teller Merchant Settlement Report (MSR).

The reported payments within the bank statement are automatically imported and processed in the Work with imported bank statements routine. If an error is found, the bank statement ends in Work with imported bank statements. Otherwise the setup controls if the A/R payments are automatically transferred to be further processed in the Work with open batches routine or ended in Work with imported bank statements routine. For a bank statement that has ended in the Work with imported bank statements routine you need to manually transfer them further to Work with open batches.

The transferred A/R payment to the Work with open batches routine is saved in the Work with imported bank statements routine x number of days from the XML file’s creation date before deletion is allowed. This can be useful if you need to search for a payment or to obtain more information as to why the payment has not settled an invoice/credit note or to prevent Integrator from processing the same XML file several times.


  • The Work with imported bank statements routine processes only A/R payments and should not be considered as a Bank statement reconciliation routine.
  • Received A/R payments from sundry debtors with missing, invalid reference(s) or partial settled will be stopped in the Work with open batches routine.
  • Cash book is not supported.

Integrator script

Approves/rejects received XML file

The integrator script approves the received ISO20022 bank statement file, if the Message ID and Creation date/time identities are missing in the Work with imported bank statements routine and the XML file camt.054 must either be defined as a Credit notification or it is undefined. Otherwise the script rejects the file.

The integrator script approves the received Netstore/Teller Settlement Report if the Message ID and Creation date identities are missing in the Work with imported bank statements routine. Otherwise the script rejects the file.

For approved XML files the script interprets and imports transactions defaulted with an active Bank transaction Domain code in Work with ISO 20022 external code lists to the Work with imported bank statements routine. The imported bank statement is defaulted with a Scheme ID.

Work with imported bank statements

Approves/rejects imported bank statements

The imported bank statement, from Integrator, is approved in the Work with imported bank statements routine, if all the conditions below are fulfilled.

  • the Scheme is active in Work with Cash Management schemes.
  • the creditor’s bank account is active in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank accounts.
  • the imported bank statement must be in sequence order if the Check electronic sequence number parameter is set to Y in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank accounts.

Otherwise the imported bank statement is rejected and ends in Work with imported bank statements.

Approves/rejects transactions within the imported bank statement

The A/R payments are approved and processed, if all the conditions below are fulfilled:

  • the imported bank statements are approved.
  • the transaction’s bank transaction code (Domain/Family/Sub family) is active in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank account details.

    The bank transaction code identifies the transaction entry:

    Domain = Specifies the business area.

    Family = Specifies the family within a domain.

    Sub Family = Specifies the sub-product family within a specific family.


    PMNT/RCDT/ESCT = Payment/Received Credit Transfers/SEPA Credit Transfer

    PMNT/RCDT/XBCT = Payment/Received Credit Transfers/Cross-Border Credit Transfer.

    PMNT/RCDT/*ALL = Payment/Received Credit Transfers/All unspecified sub families. (*ALL is an internal code and is used to collect all unspecified sub families within the Domain/Family.)

Otherwise the transaction is rejected and ends in Work with imported bank statements.

Approved A/R Payments with the Automatic transfer parameter set to Y in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank accounts are automatically transferred from Work with imported bank statements to Work with open batches. Otherwise, the A/R payments end in Work with imported bank statements and you need to manually transfer them further.

For the A/R payments transferred to Work with open batches, the Stop after loading parameter in Work with batch import options controls the subsequent processing to A/R ledger.
The transferred A/R payment to Work with open batches is saved in Work with imported bank statements x number of days from the XML file’s creation date before deletion is allowed.

Text handling

Integrator interprets text lines related to the A/R payment. Each imported text line is pre-defined with a Rule ID such as *DBTNAM = Debtor name, *DBTAGT = Debtor agent, *STRD = Structured remittance info and *USTRD = Unstructured remittance info.

The pre-defined codes refer to the UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments message BankToCustomerStatementV02 (Msg ID camt.053.001.02), Transaction Details or to BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV02 (Msg ID camt.054.001.02), Transaction Details.

Pre-defined codes Description
*ACSVRE Account Servicer Reference
*ADDTTX Additional transaction info
*DBTACC Debtor bank account no
*DBTADR Debtor address
*DBTAGT Debtor agent
*DBTNAM Debtor name
*DBTORG Debtor organisation
*MNDID Mandate ID
*STRD Structured remittance info
*STRDAR Structured add remittance info
*USTRD Unstructured remittance info

The pre-defined codes refer Netstore/Teller Settlement Report, (Transaction Level)

Pre-defined codes Description
*STRD Structured remittance info
*TRANID Transaction ID, Netstore

Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank account details/Internal text rules displays all pre-defined Rule IDs for selected scheme, and you define the text handling for applicable Rule IDs:

  • Imported text lines with an active Rule ID are processed/displayed in selected sequence order in Work with imported bank statements.
  • Imported text lines with an active Rule ID and with Transfer = Y are transferred to Work with open batches.
  • Entered short name is concatenated before the text.

    Example: Short name = Bank account:

    Imported text line = SE3550000000054910000003.

    Displayed text line: Bank account: SE3550000000054910000003.
Active Transfer Work with imported bank statements Work with open batches
N N No text lines are imported No text lines are transferred
Y N Text lines are imported No text lines are transferred
Y Y Text lines are imported Text lines are transferred

Reference handling

The reference handling is unique for each company and is preferably done with the help of a technical consultant. The reference number can be a bank reference number or a debtor number/invoice number or an invoice number or something else. A good automated matching of A/R payment(s) and the referred document(s) to be settled saves both time and money. The set-up needs to be verified and tested.

Integrator interprets invoices/credit note references related to the A/R payment. Each reference line is pre-defined with a Rule ID such as *STRD = Structured remittance info and *USTRD = Unstructured remittance info.

The pre-defined codes refer to the UNIFI ISO 20022 Payments message BankToCustomerStatementV02 (Msg ID camt.053.001.02), Transaction Details or to BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV02 (Msg ID camt.054.001.02), Transaction Details

Pre-defined codes Description
*STRD Structured remittance info
*STRDAR Structured add remittance info
*USTRD Unstructured remittance info

The pre-defined codes refer Netstore/Teller Settlement Report, (Transaction Level)

Pre-defined codes Description
*STRD Structured remittance info

Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank account details/Internal reference rules displays all pre-defined Rule IDs for selected scheme and you define the reference handling for applicable Rule ID:

  • Imported reference lines with an active Rule ID are processed/displayed in selected sequence order in Work with imported bank statements.
  • The references on each imported reference line are separated according to the Add spec single char field and the default character Blank.
    Example 1:
    Field “Add spec single char” =,/ and the default character Blank
    XML file reports an unstructured reference line with following text Processing in Work with Imported bank statements
    Payment for invoices: 12345678,1234567890123 4246 100300123456789/RF1234567,
    The data is separated to 9 possibility references;
    Payment for invoices: 12345678 1234567890123 4256 100300123456789 RF1234567 123456789012345678901234567890
  • Each reference above, with a number of characters between entered Min characters and Max characters in combination with Numeric characters Y/N will be selected.

    Max number of characters is pre-defined for Bank reference number to 35. Document type/document number to 15 (3+12), Debtor/document number to 23 (11+12), Document number to 12 and Netstore ID to 10.

    For concatenated references (Debtor/document number and Document type/document number) the character length for the first part must be fixed.

    Example 2: (Based on example 1)
    Field “Min characters” = 8, Pre-defined max characters = 23 and Field “Numeric characters” = Y
    Result from example 1, above Processing in Work with Imported bank statements
    Payment for invoices: 12345678 1234567890123 4256 100300123456789 RF1234567 123456789012345678901234567890 Selected references are:
    12345678, 1234567890123 100300323456789
  • The selected references are approved if the Validation program field is left blank. If not, entered validation program approves the selected reference. (Copy the skeleton program FSR431). Note: Reference number treated as a bank reference number is validated by default and no program is needed.
  • Approved references are used to search in A/R for the referred invoice/credit note to settle. How to search in A/R is defined by the Search reference seq related fields, i.e. Bank reference no, Document type/number, Debtor/document no, Document number, Netstore ID and Extended search pgm.

    (To create an own Extended search program, copy skeleton program FKR417E.)

    The system ends the search in A/R as soon as an open document with a period not after the period for the received payment has been found.

    If no document is found, the Extended ref search field controls whether extended search will be performed or not. Currently, the system checks if the found reference could be a debtor number or not.

    Example 3: (Based on example 2)
    Fields “Debtor/document no” sequence = 1, “Fixed debtor number” characters = 5, “Min document number” characters = 3 and “Document number” sequence = 2,
    “Extended search” = 01
    Result from example 2, above Processing in Work with Imported bank statements
    12345678, 1234567890123 100300323456789 The approved reference 12345678 is split to debtor number 12345 and document number 678. A search is made among the debtor’s open documents to find the document 678.

    If the document is missing, a new search starts to find the document 12345678.

    If the document still is missing an extended search is done to search if 12345678 is debtor number in Work with business partners.

    Same handling for the other two references.

Approved references that found the referred A/R document to settle are transferred together with the A/R payment to Work with open batches.

For approved references that did not find the referred A/R document to settle, the Transfer ref error field controls if they will be transferred or not together with the A/R payment to Work with open batches.

Error Transfer ref error code Work with open batches
Y 0 No transfer of approved references if the referred A/R document is found but the document was settled or in wrong period or the referred A/R document is missing.
Y 1 Transfer approved references if the referred A/R document is found but the document was settled or in wrong period.
Y 2 Transfer approved references if the referred A/R document is missing.
Y 3 Transfer approved references. Combine 1 and 2.

Debtor retrieval for A/R payments

Approved A/R payments use the Debtor retrieval code in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank account details to retrieve the debtor number for the payment.

Sequence for approved A/R payments.
Debtor retrieval cd 1
Sequence for approved A/R payments.
Debtor retrieval cd 2
Sequence for rejected A/R payments. Debtor retrieval
1 1 1 Retrieve from imported bank file.
2 4 N/A If debtor is missing, retrieve with the help from the invoice references, if they exist, (controlled by the internal reference rule):
a) Retrieve from the first found A/R document to settle.
b) If A/R document to settle is missing and the Extended ref search field has been set to 1 in Work with Cash Management schemes/Bank account details/Internal reference rules, retrieve from Work with business partners.
3 2 2 If debtor is missing, retrieve from Work with Direct Debit mandates, if a Mandate ID has been imported and the SEPADD function is activated in the Function control file.
4 3 3 If debtor is missing, retrieve from Work with business partner banks, if debtor’s bank account number has been imported from the bank file.

Calculate system amount for approved A/R payment

Approved A/R payments:

  1. Retrieve system amount from the received Bank file.
  2. If missing above, system amount adopts the transaction amount, if the payment’s transaction currency = system currency.
    Otherwise, the system amount is calculated, (transaction amount * received exchange rate from the bank file) under the condition that target currency from the bank = system currency.


  • Original text/reference: an un-edited (raw data) text or reference line has been imported as it is from the XML file.
  • Interpreted text/reference: the text or reference has been processed in Work with imported bank statements.


The following two documents are available for downloading from the following websites:

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