Print a supplier list

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The printout routine allows you to extract general information or very specific information, depending on your needs. You decide the information which is relevant. Some examples of lists you can print are:

  • Geographical list of suppliers listed by Area
  • Handler list per area
  • Supplier categories
  • Labels with address information

You have the option to print different types of lists for each, some or all panels in the Business partner file. These include:

  • Simple list outlining only the basic information
  • Complete list outlining more detailed information
  • Labels

Note: The information from the Basic data panel is always included on each printout.

Here, you will print a Complete (detailed) list for the Supplier file panel.

  1. Select the Print business partners menu item.
  2. You access Business partner file list printout. On this panel you define:
    • how you want the information to be organised on the printout, and
    • the list type (if the list should contain supplier information, customer information or both).

    Enter information in the following fields:

    Enter the sequence number indicating how you want to organise the information on the printout. Here, enter 1 in Salesman/Handler, 2 in Area, 3 in Internal name, and 4 in Customer/Supplier no.
    This means the information will be printed in the following order:
    1. The supplier’s handler is the primary sort order.
    2. The system will sort the selected records for each handler by area.
    3. The selected records within each area will be sorted by the internal name of the suppliers.
    4. If the same internal name exists for several suppliers, the system orders them by the supplier number.
    List type
    Here, set the Supplier field to YES denoting that you want a printout with supplier information, and set the Customer field to NO. Tip: For a name that is both a supplier and a customer, set both fields to YES.

    Click OK.

  3. You access Business partner file list printout where you define the level of content you want printed and from which files/panels. Enter the following information:
  4. List type
    Here, set the Complete field to YES denoting that detailed information is to be printed.
    You do not have to complete the fields for the panels under this column. If you leave all fields blank all information you select on the next panel will be extracted from all files/panels in the Business partner file. But here, set the Supplier file field to YES.

    Click OK.

  5. You access the next Business partner file printout panel where you make the selection of the information you want printed. On this panel you define the extent of the information to include on the printout. You enter a range of values or individual values for different parameters. See Working with printouts for an explanation and instructions. Here, enter information in fields:
  6. Area
    Last movement date

    Click OK.

  7. You access the last panel where you define the printing parameters. Fill in the information you want and those required by your system and click OK or press F2 if authorised. You will receive a detailed supplier list with the information printed in the following order:
    1. The supplier’s handler is the primary sort order.
    2. The system will sort the selected records for each handler per area.
    3. The selected records within each area will be sorted by the internal name of the suppliers.
    4. If the same internal name exists for several suppliers, the system orders them by the supplier number.

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