Enter selection criteria for a forward maintenance proposal

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A selection criteria specifies to the system which records to select when it searches through the Item file or Business partner file. Only the records that match this criteria will be updated. These are commonly referred to as the target records.

Caution: If a selection is not defined, then all Items or Business partners will be updated with the New values that you have entered. It is therefore highly recommended that a selection criteria be defined.

  1. Select the Work with forward maintenance proposals menu item.
  2. On the initial panel, select the proposal that you wish to add a selection criteria to and click Selections.
  3. You access Work with forward maintenance proposals, Item selection, or Business partner selection.
  4. Update Item file
    If you have created a type I proposal which updates the Item file you will be able to make the following selections:

    Item discount group
    Item price group
    Item group
    Item account group
    Item category 1-6
    Main supplier
    Commodity code
    Country of origin
    Primary item segment
    Item responsible
    Item planner
    Item family
    Item sector
    Item class
    Planning method
    Handling status code
    Handling/hazard code
    Price list

    Update Business partner file
    If you have created a type B proposal which updates the Business partner file you will be able to make the following selections:

    Business partner
    BP type
    Customer group
    Cust account group
    Cust discount group
    Supplier group
    Supp account group
    A/R – A/P group
    BP category 1-6
    Terms of delivery
    Manner of transport
    Terms of payment
    Sourcing policy
    Price list
    Shipping agent
    Credit profile
    Cost centre
    DI method
    DI document

    Normal update
    If you are doing a find and replace update (i.e. the Empty fields parameter is set to NO), select the field that you wish to update and enter your new values.

    Empty fields update
    If you are doing a delete information update (i.e. the Empty fields parameter is set to YES), select the field that you wish to delete and mark it with any character.

    At the start of each field there is a one character input field. This is a filter that you can use to instruct the system that you wish to select a single value or a range of values. You can also establish the opposite: that you want the system to exclude the entered single values or range of values. There are four types of filters that you can choose from:

    Type Description
    Select single values Enter 1 in the first field. In the adjacent fields enter the single values that the system must search for and include in the selection. All the records that match any of these values for this parameter will be selected.
    Select a range of values Enter 2 in the first field. In the first two adjacent fields enter the start and end values of the range. All the records that contain a value within this range will be selected. Note: If only a start value is entered, only values that are greater than and equal to it will be selected. If only an end value is entered (in the second adjacent field), all values up to and including it will be selected.
    Exclude single values Enter 3 in the first field. In the adjacent fields enter the single values you want the system to exclude from the search.
    Exclude a range of values Enter 4 in the first field. In the first two adjacent fields enter the start and end values of the range. All the records that contain a value within this range will be excluded. A record will only be selected if it fulfils all the selection criteria that you have defined on this panel.

    Tip: The Target option allows you to view records before they are changed and the Exclude option allows you to exclude items or business partners from the update (see Include/exclude records from update using the Forward maintenance functionality).

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