Where available, the View control function allows you to specify which information to display on your panel. When accessed, a window will be displayed offering you a choice of one or more view modes. The content of these windows is never the same. It varies upon the program you accessed it from. Typically you will be able to select the category (e.g., item code/description) in which to display your records as well as the order (ascending or descending). The view mode that you select will be defaulted to your session until you log off.
The View control function is available in the following programs:
- Work with items/Item file maintenance, Basic data
- Generate new item
- Time axis enquiry
- Work with sales orders
- Work with sales orders, Order lines
- Work with sales orders, Structures
- Sales order enquiry
- Smart sales order/quotation enquiry
- Sales quotation enquiry
- Work with sales quotation
- Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation line entry/Structures
- Work with pickings
- Work with purchase orders
- Work with purchase orders, Order lines
- Purchase order enquiry
- Reception note confirmation
- Work with outbound shipments
- Work with route list
Work with items/Item file maintenance, Basic data
If you click the View controls function key from either the Work with items panel or the Item file maintenance, Basic data panel you will be able to customise the information that is displayed on your panel:
Field | Description |
Item segment entry | This field controls whether or not the Build item code panel should be displayed before the Basic data panel. This will only impact the order of the panels if you are adding new items. |
Generate new item
The following field is displayed when you click the View controls function key from the Generate new item panel:
Field | Description |
Item segment entry | This field controls whether or not the Build item code from segments panel should be displayed before the Basic data panel. This will only impact the order of the panels if you are adding new items. |
Time axis enquiry
If you click the View controls function key in the Time axis enquiry panel then you will be able to default a view mode to your session:
Field | Description |
Time axis view | Indicate which of the following time axis view modes you wish to use as a default. Permitted values: 1 = Time axis overview 2 = Time axis order detail information 3 = MRP forecast and order proposal information |
Work with sales orders
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with sales orders, Header view panel then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed on your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in maint | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Free text, reference | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Customer Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Free text, your ord | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Your ord fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Work with sales orders, Order lines
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with sales orders, Order lines panel then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed on your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in maint | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Retain disc and FOC | Indicate if the entered discount or Free-of-Charge value should be defaulted to the next line. |
Work with sales orders, Structures
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with sales order, Structures panel then you will be able to default customer information to your panel:
Field | Description |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Sales order enquiry
If you click on the View controls function key in the Sales order enquiry panel then you will be able to default customer information to your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in enq | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Free text, reference | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Customer Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. Caution: If you choose to search by free text (YES is entered), the search performance will be reduced. |
Free text, your ord | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Your ord fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Free text, supp ord | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Supp ord fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. Note: The Supp ord field is your supplier’s internal reference number. Typically it would be the number of the sales order that they generated upon receiving your purchase order. |
Free text, ship mrk | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Shipment marking field. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Smart sales order/quotation entry
If you click on the View controls function key in the Smart sales order/quotation entry panel then you will be able to default customer information to your panel:
Field | Description |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Sales quotation enquiry
If you click on the View function key in the Sales quotation enquiry, Quotation lines panel then you will be able to default customer information to your panel:
Field | Description |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Work with sales quotation
If you click on the View control function key in the Work with sales quotation panel then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed in your panel:
Field | Description |
Quotation in asc seq | Indicate if you want to display the sales quotations in ascending or descending order sequence. |
Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation line entry/Structures
If you click on the View controls function key in either the Sales quotation maintenance, Quotation line entry panel or the Sales quotation maintenance, Structures panel then you will be able to default the following:
Field | Description |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Work with pickings
If you click the View control function key in the Work with pickings panel in any of the three views (Picking view, Shipment view, Consolidation view), then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed in your panel:
Field | Description |
Confirmed pickings | Indicate the default value for the Confirmed selection field. If you set this field to YES, only confirmed pickings will be displayed in any of the three views. If you leave the default setting of NO, only non-confirmed pickings will be displayed. A person that is working with picking of goods is most likely interested in seeing pickings that are not confirmed, whereas a person that is working with pack reporting or shipments is most likely interested in seeing confirmed pickings. |
Work with purchase orders
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with purchase orders, Header view panel then you will be able to default customer information to your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in maint | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Free text, reference | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Customer Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Free text, ord ref | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Order Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Work with purchase orders, Order lines
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with purchase orders, Order lines panel then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed on your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in maint | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Purchase order enquiry
If you click on the View controls function key in the Purchase order enquiry panel then you will be able to customise the information that is displayed on your panel:
Field | Description |
Text lines in enq | Enter the number of text lines that you wish to display. |
Customer item view | Indicate if you wish to view the Customer item code/Description instead of the default Item code/Description. Note: Customer item code/Descriptions are set up via the Item cross reference function in the Work with business partners program. |
Orders in asc seq | Indicate if you wish to view orders in ascending or descending order. |
Free text, reference | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Customer Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Free text, ord ref | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Customer Ref fields. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Free text, ship mrk | This allows your search criteria to perform a free text search through the Shipment marking field. If a NO value is entered then only the information that exactly matches your search criteria will be displayed. |
Reception note confirmation
If you click on the View controls function key in the Reception note confirmation panel then you will be able to default the following:
Field | Description |
Line sequence | This field is used to define the order in which reception lines are listed. You may arrange them according to: 1 = Reception note and reception note line 2 = Order number and order line 3 = Item code 4 = Item description 5 = Supplier item code 6 = Supplier item description |
Supplier item view | Indicate if Supplier item information should be displayed instead of the Iptor.com item information. |
Work with outbound shipments
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with outbound shipments panel then you will be able to default one of the following four view modes to your session. Each view mode will display the following information:
Field | Description |
Show view 1 | Shipment number, Description, Handler, Manually created, Dispatch date, Time and Status. Note: This is the default view mode. At least one mode must be selected. |
Show view 2 | Shipment number, Warehouse, Manner of Transport, Vehicle, Accumulated weight, Maximum weight, Filling rate of weight (percentage), Accumulated volume, Maximum volume and Filling rate of volume(percentage). |
Show view 3 | Shipment number, Warehouse, Manner of Transport, Vehicle, Minimum value (system currency), Maximum value (system currency), Accumulated value (system currency) and Filling rate of value (percentage). |
Show view 4 | Shipment number, Description, Customer, Pick list, Order, Entered and On pick Confirmed. |
Work with route list
If you click on the View controls function key in the Work with route list panel then you will be able to default one of the following four view modes to your session. Each view mode will display the following information:
Field | Description |
Show view 1 | Dispatch date, Time, Warehouse, Route, Departure, Shipping agent, Manner of Transport, Handler, Manually created and Shipment number. Note: This is the default view mode. At least one mode must be selected. |
Show view 2 | Dispatch date, Time, Warehouse, Route, Departure, Handler, Maximum weight, Filling rate of weight (percentage), Maximum volume and Filling rate of volume (percentage). |
Show view 3 | Dispatch date, Time, Warehouse, Route, Departure, Maximum value (system currency), Accumulated value (system currency) and Filling rate of value (percentage). |
Show view 4 | Dispatch date, Time, Warehouse, Route, Customer placed order, Entered, On pick list and Pick list confirmed. |