Shipment type functionality

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This functionality can be used in the following programs and works differently depending on the program:

  • Work with outbound shipments
    All the shipment type specifications are valid for outbound shipment headers which are manually created in this program. The applicable shipment type must be entered on the shipment header. The shipment type specifications can facilitate the whole manual shipping process, if you set it up according to the Setup procedures below.
  • Work with routes and Work with route list
    Only parts of the shipment type specifications are valid for outbound shipment headers which are automatically generated from a route setup. The shipment type is defined for the route and also valid for the connected route lists. You can, however, override the route’s shipment type specifications on route list level. The applicable shipment type is retrieved to the shipment headers when sales order lines are assigned to the route. Note: In these two programs, the shipment type must not be defined for Order assignment.

Shipment type specifications

On a shipment type you can specify, e.g.:

For manually created outbound shipments only
  • if information which normally is optional should be mandatory when the shipment is created with a particular shipment type,
  • if the Order assignment functionality should be used when selecting order lines,
  • certain assignment rules controlling which order lines should apply for the Order assignment functionality,
  • the default manner of transport, shipping agent, and vehicle used for transportation.
For both manually created and automatically generated outbound shipments
  • which shipment header information must be specified before shipping,
  • which automatic actions should take place when a shipment is closed or updated as shipped.

Setup procedures

If you want to take full advantage of the shipment type functionality for manually created outbound shipments, then perform the following setup procedures:

Table/File Action
Work with shipment types Create a shipment type by specifying the applicable default values and automatic actions.
Work with warehouses Define the shipment type on the applicable warehouse. The warehouse code defaults the shipment type on all outbound shipment headers which are manually created for the specific warehouse. All the shipment type specifications are then valid for those shipments.
Work with system user profiles Define the warehouse on the applicable System user profile. The user profile code defaults the warehouse to the shipment header when the specific user manually creates an outbound shipment.

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