Setting up the export to Excel functionality

This document outlines the instructions for setting up the export to Excel functionality, allowing the user to export enabled printouts to an Excel file.

Files To do
Work with printer queues Add a printer queue for Excel, with Printer type set to 7 (Sent to DB file for Excel).
Work with function controls Activate the DBTEMP (Library for temp files) function control.

For DBTEMP (Library for temp files) function control, define the library where the temporary files with detailed data are stored. This is done in the Character value field. This library should be unique per company to avoid any conflict in object naming of the temporary files.

Suggestion of library name standard: XXX800DTYY, where:

XXX = the environment id
800D = the release
T = temp library
YY = company code

Assigning different prefixes for printouts that are enabled to be exported via Excel

Instead of the default “F” prefix, you have the possibility to define your own prefix per company (containing 1 to 3 alpha characters) for the following. The work file for the Excel temporary file created for the printout will contain the prefix defined. Note: The DBTEMP (Library for temp files) function control must be activated.

Function control Valid for
SRW0031 G/L
SRW0033 G/L transactions
SRW0042 A/P balances
SRW0604 Stock Evaluation
SRW2421 Stock on hand