Sales order confirmation

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This document can be printed an unlimited number of times as long as the sales order line is at status 40 or lower.

You can standardize how you want some of the information to be printed on the printout. This is done via the Print control functionality. See Standardize the layout/information on the printout for more information.

Once a sales order has been confirmed, its status will change from 10 to 20. There are two ways of printing the Sales order confirmation. These include:

  1. print it manually
  2. Set the Direct print confirmation field to YES in the Sales order type for the order type used on your orders. This method instructs the system to automatically print the sales order confirmation once the sales order is entered. You can maintain the sales order while it is at status 10 before the system gets a chance to automatically print it. If, however, the Direct order printout confirmation routine is started while you are maintaining it the status of the order will not be automatically updated by the system (Main info sales order will remain at status 10). You will have to print the order confirmation manually. If you try to maintain the sales order after the Direct order printout confirmation routine has started then you will not be able to access it. In this case, you must wait until the printout process has finished (Main info sales order has reached status 20) to be able to maintain it.

Sales order confirmations for customers meeting Data Interchange (DI) requirements will be transferred to the DI database and then delivered via Data Interchange (DI). DI tracking is controlled by order type. For documents to be selected for DI transmission (Main info receiving/sending) you must establish certain DI data for the customer. All documents sent/received can also be printed on paper, outlining detailed information, if such has been requested on the customer/document level in the Business partner file.

Item descriptions on the printout

Two types of item description could be printed on the printout. The extended item description will be printed if:

  • defined in the item’s Extended item description file
  • the Oc field in same file is set to YES
  • the Ext desc field on the Order line, Additional info panel is set to YES. Note: If the Ext desc field on sales order line is set to NO, the normal item description is printed.

For DI sales order confirmation printouts, the above stipulations apply for the item description, with the difference that records are added to the file for every line with extended text instead of being printed. This applies to sales order lines that have been added to the sales order, not for sales order lines where quantity or dispatch time has been changed.

When DI is activated, a tracking file is used to carry the original values for Item code, Quantity, Unit, Sales price and Dispatch time. Tracking is also performed for changes to these fields in manually entered orders (Main info entered via mail, fax or phone and confirmed by DI). All order confirmation formats (paper, fax, e-mail and EDI) indicate any changes to these fields.

Note: When DI sales order confirmations are printed the print program compares the original values with the actual values and indicates any changes on the order confirmation printout.

Extended packaging and labelling descriptions

The extended packaging and labelling description will be printed on the printout if the following applies:

  • The Ext lab/pack field is set to YES on the Work with sales order, Order line, additional info panel.
  • Text exists on the Item file, Extended packaging and labelling information panel.
  • One of the Oc or Pl or Tn or In fields is set to YES, depending on printout, in the same file.

If batch records exist in Batch file for batch-controlled items, one line per batch will be printed.


  • Sales order enquiry

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